Chairman & CEO

Sly Buford

Chairman & CEO

Our mission has been clear from the beginning, to be investors of value. For owners, investors, management and employees, we seek to be of value. Albert Einstein said it best in which we tend to follow. “Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.”

Each opportunity we receive to invest, we believe it is an honor. For business owners to entrust us with the development and the forward progress of their company. For investors to entrust us with the stewardship of their capital. And for management and employees to entrust us on the vision to grow and scale a company to the next level with their future in mind.

As investors, we take a collaboration approach from all angles. We ask ourselves, how do we collaborate with owners to create value? How do we collaborate with investors to achieve returns in a responsible way? How do we collaborate with management and employees to ensure everyone wins? Collaboration for us is the approach we’ve found to work best for all.

So I ask, how can we be of value.

Be great,

Sly Buford, Founder & Chairman

Charitable Involvement: